Breath hold time
Breath hold time as a determinant of breathing pattern disorders. Kiesel
Breath Holding Test May Noninvasively Reveal Early Lung Abnormalities. Inoue
Breath-holding test in evaluation of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity in healthy subjects. Nikita
Breath-holding test near fatal asthma dyspnea perception. Nannini. 2007
Breath-Holding Time-Patients with Obstructive Ventilatory Defects and Normal Controls. Viecili. 2012
Breath‐holding as a means to estimate the loop gain contribution to OSA. Messineo. 2018
Bronchodilator effect-patients with obstructive lung disease. Viecili. 2011
Changes in the period of no respiratory sensation and total breath-holding time. Nishino. 1996
Relief of the ‘air hunger’ – a role for pulmonary stretch receptors. Flume. 1996
Reproducibility and comparability of tests – peripheral chemoreflex. Chua. 1995
Single-breath breath-holding estimate of pulmonary blood flow in man. Kendrick. 1988
The effect of breath holding on nasal membrane shrinkage. Takahashi. 1998