Buteyko Trials
Astımlı Bireylerde Buteyko Solunum Tekniği. Beyece İncazlı. 2019
A Clinical Trial of the Buteyko Breathing Technique in Asthma as Taught by a Video. Opat. 2000
A Study of effects of Buteyko Breathing Technique on Asthmatic Patients. Ravinder. 2012
Assessing the role of chronic hyperventilation in patients with nasal congestion. Hanna. 2012
Breathing exercises for asthma_ a randomised controlled trial. Thomas. 2009
Breathing Re – Education in Asthma_ an Efficacious Adjunct. McKeown
Breathing therapies and bronchodilator use in asthma. Bruton. 2006
Buteyko Breathing Technique for asthma an effective. New Zealand. McHugh 2003
Buteyko Breathing Technique Reduces Hyperventilation. Austin. 2009
Buteyko breathing technique versus incentive spirometer. Elsayed. 2016
Buteyko breathing techniques in asthma_ a blinded randomised controlled trial. Bowler. 1998
Buteyko versus Diaphragmatic Breathing Indian Journal Physiotherapy. Gauri Mayank Afle. 2014
Comparison – effects of Buteyko and pranayama breathing techniques. Prem. 2012
Double blind randomised controlled trial of two different breathing techniques asthma. Slader. 2006
Effect of Buteyko breathing technique on patients with bronchial asthma. Hassan. 2013
Effect of two breathing exercises (Buteyko and pranayama) in asthma. Cooper. 2003
Hypocapnia correction as a working mechanism for breathing retraining in asthma. Lapa Buteyko
New Zealand Medical Journal Physiology, pseudoscience, and Buteyko. Bartley. 2004
Normalizing CO2 in chronic hyperventilation by means of a novel breathing mask. Johansen. 2013
Report of the 2003 british thoracic society winter meeting. Hurst. 2004
Role of buteyko breathing technique in asthmatics with nasal symptoms. Adelola. 2013
The Buteyko Method_ A Randomized Controlled Trial for use in Asthma Patients. Florendo. 2013
Trial of the Buteyko Breathing Technique in Asthma as Taught by a Video. Opat
Using Buteyko technique in respiratory care. Hambleton. 2013