Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda and enhance your winter diet with the nourishing power of a green smoothie.

This season is known for strengthening the body and improving immunity, as the cold weather increases internal heat and digestion.
This means that your appetite and your ability to digest are generally stronger during winter. However, it's important to eat easily digestible foods and avoid overindulging. Thus, by eating healthily you can nourish your tissues better.
To help nourish your body, try this SIX TASTES smoothie for breakfast or a snack before lunch.
You can even pair it with toast, avocado, or granola. Just be sure to avoid adding milk to this meal. Blend the ingredients until smooth, adjusting for texture based on your blender.
Sweet: ALMONDS (5) + raisins (a teaspoon)
Sour: LEMON (1 teaspoon)
Salty: pink rock SALT (a tiny tiny pinch)
Pungent: GINGER (peeled, 1cm) + MINT (1/4 cup)
Bitter: SPINACH OR KALE (2 cups)
Astringent: HONEY (1 ½ teaspoon) **Yes, good quality honey is astringent. If you feel it sweet first, it is basically sugar.
WATER (1 ½ or 2 cups)
Mix until creamy. The amount of remaining chunks may vary depending on the type of blender you are using.
To help nourish your body, try this SIX TASTES smoothie for breakfast or a snack before lunch. You can even pair it with toast, avocado, or granola. Just be sure to avoid adding milk to this meal. Blend the ingredients until smooth, adjusting for texture based on your blender.