About Ayurveda

The act of breathing is a vital physiological function that is essential for sustaining life. The way in which we breathe directly impacts the overall functioning of our body's systems.
Buteyko integrates Eastern concepts with scientific research. Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of these techniques for respiratory conditions, sleep disorders, long COVID, women's health, and more. They offer an efficient pathway to reestablishing functional breathing patterns.
​My journey with breathwork began with the Eastern practice known as Pranayama, derived from the Sanskrit words "prana," meaning life force or vital energy, and "ayama," meaning extension or expansion. Pranayama is closely associated with Yoga but can also be practised independently. It involves various breathing exercises that focus on different aspects of the breath, such as inhalation, exhalation, and retention. Through consistent practice, pranayama can help increase lung capacity, improve respiratory function, reduce stress, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity.
In my practice, I tailor the use of these techniques based on the individual client's profile, needs, and preferences. Every person and session is unique, and I am dedicated to respecting these differences and adapting my approach.​
Both Buteyko and Pranayama techniques are suitable for individuals of all ages, including children and adults. When incorporating these practices into your routine, it is beneficial to complement them with appropriate diet and lifestyle adjustments. Embracing a comprehensive approach to wellbeing can lead to sustainable positive changes in your health and vitality.
Below, you will find detailed explanations of both Pranayama and Buteyko techniques.

This is a title.
Named after Dr Konstantin Buteyko, the Buteyko Method consists of a series of breathing exercises and guidelines specifically designed to reduce over-breathing (clinically known as ‘chronic hyperventilation’). The simple fact is that many people breathe too much, which alters the natural levels of gases in the blood, reduces oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, and causes constriction of the smooth muscles surrounding blood vessels and airways. This can lead to numerous health problems. Bringing breathing volume towards normal and making the switch from mouth to nose breathing helps to alleviate such health problems using simple Buteyko breathing exercises.
​​​​​What are Buteyko Breathing Exercises?
Explained by Patrick McKeown
"Dr. Buteyko saw that sick people breath hard. He asked, is the sickness causing the hard breathing, or the hard breathing causing the sickness? People are often told to take deep, full, big breaths in the belief that this will increase oxygen delivery to the tissues. If we look at the science, it doesn't work that way. If you take big breaths that increase the volume of air beyond what it should be, you get rid of too much carbon dioxide. Due to the Bohr Effect (first described by the Danis biochemist Christian Bohr in 1904) this causes red blood cels to actually hold on to oxygen instead of releasing it. By practicing the Buteyko Breathing Technique and developing subtle, soft, slow, light breathing while also maintaining diaphragmatic, nasal breathing, you are increasing oxygen delivery to the cells. This is where it's going to transform health.
What can help prevent?
Wheezing, coughing, and feeling short of breath
Anxiety & panic disorders, stress
Sinusitis & Rhinitis
Sleep disorders
Mouth breathing
Sleep apnoea
Blocked nasal passages​​​​​​​
High blood pressure
Poor concentration ​

Pranayama, an ancient practice, offers a comprehensive approach to enhancing longevity and overall well-being. It involves various breathing exercises that focus on different aspects of the breath, such as inhalation, exhalation, and retention. Through consistent practice, pranayama can help increase lung capacity, improve respiratory function, reduce stress, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity.
As scientific research uncovers more about the numerous benefits of Pranayama, its reputation as a powerful tool for improving the quality and length of life becomes more apparent. Therefore, delving into the realm of Pranayama is an opportunity to embrace mindful breathing as a route to a livelier and lasting existence.
Pranayama has been shown to offer numerous benefits. Some of these include:
1. Stress Reduction: Deep breathing and alternate nostril breathing, can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a relaxation response and reduced stress levels.
2. Improved Respiratory Function: Regular practice of pranayama can enhance lung capacity, increase oxygen intake, and improve overall respiratory health.
4. Enhanced Emotional Well-being: improved mood, reduced anxiety, and increased feelings of well-being.
5. Increased Energy Levels: pranayama can help boost energy levels, combat fatigue, and increase vitality.
.6. Improved Circulation: Certain pranayama techniques can enhance blood circulation, leading to better oxygenation of tissues and improved cardiovascular health.
Overall, incorporating pranayama into a regular wellness routine can have a positive impact on both physical and mental well-being.